Monday, July 2, 2012

Have i change ?

Ok, updating my death blog been a while,i start my busy uni life.Many things had change i rarely find my old friend because i don't have time. Somehow i miss them a lot, the time we play and study together, there are all nice memories to me.

As for the title of the post, have i change ? i did not focus on this question until today my mum call me and told me that i had change.She say i become not so patient anymore and easily get grumpy. I wonder i really do change? Or it just i too tired and cause me to get mad or grumpy easily.

The only thing i know is i do change in term of personality somehow i am more mature now and somehow i am nt so happy or easily get happy nowdays.I also will think too much .There is something missing about me compare to the old me, i don't know what is it,but i can feel that something is missing and it is important, izit the sot sot and happy go lucky style of my old self? maybe...

I met some new friends and some of them are very good, we get along very well.Uni life is busy like hell. At first i really can't take it, it is so pressure for me until i can't breath,seriously. But now is ok, i more worry about my test since i am not doing well in the physic and math test, just hope i won't fail ><

As for my relation, haha single >< hope i can find a girlfriend soon ^^  and at last i hope i can do well in my exam and study well. This is the most important thing for the moment xD so i just stop here for now until next time don't know when got time to update my blog again haha .

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